It’s February and that means love is in the air. Between romantic dates and champagne…

How to Care For and Protect Your Feet All Summer Long
In the summertime, feet can take a beating. Between flip-flops and sandals, sand on the beach, and swelling from the heat, your feet can be subjected to some pretty difficult conditions that can affect hygiene and appearance.
The good news is you can take care of your feet through self-care services, such as pedicures and massages, and you can protect them with the right set of shoes. Remember, you only have two feet, and you rely on them more than you know!
Get Pedicures
It’s smart to regularly get pedicures to keep your nails filed and your toenails pretty. And, summertime is the best season to play with nail polish and really show off a bright pop of yellow or a deep purple that’s fun and playful. You can also moisten and hydrate them, as well as remove callouses and rough patches from beach volleyball matches and long walks.
Wear the Right Footwear
Stilettos might look great with your little black dress, and flip-flops might be easy to throw on for a lazy Sunday, but both aren’t doing your feet any good. And, this is even truer in the summer heat, as feet can become inflamed and swell, naturally, which can put added pressure on toes and heels within the shoes.
Be careful what shoes you wear—make sure they are comfortable, and if they’re not, don’t wear them for too long. You can also stretch them later in the night before bed to relieve any tightness from the day’s whereabouts.
Get Massages
Likewise, a foot massage helps soften the skin to keep it smooth. Often in the summer, skin can get dry from course sand and develop blisters from high heals and uncomfortable footwear. A massage can alleviate stress in the foot and the nourishing lotion will rehydrate skin. (And make them smell nice!)
A great option to try is our WITTY Foot Ritual, which takes your tootsies on a luxurious retreat, with a relaxing foot soak, essential oil of choice, and a deep exfoliation and healing mask finish to create a soft, supple texture and relieve tension.
Be Careful in Moist Areas
Don’t walk around barefoot in moist, wet areas, such as the woman’s locker room, public showers, swamps and marshy areas, and even some communal pools, without wearing flip-flops or drying feet afterwards. These areas can lead to poor hygiene and even certain conditions, such as Athletes’ foot, due to the added moisture and presence of germs.
Interested in booking a spa treatment? Contact us for a tranquil experience today.